
You know what? Let's just live our own lives. 'Cause if this goes on, it would go on forever. Getting so ugly I don't wish to disfigure myself further. So let's just live with what we have now. You go be happy with yours, I'll lead mine. That way all of us won't be upset anymore. Alright :) When I fall, I'll fall alone. After all, I'd picked it up on my own. 'Cause I never listen until reality slaps me real tight on the face, then will I learn. It's seriously my bad. My sincerest (is there such a word?) apologises to anyone whom I've let down or upset. Truths are always the hardest to take. I hope we all accept it and move on. Cheers.

4th May, HAPPY uh, 70th BIRTHDAY PAPA. Hope you liked the mango cake.. CAUSE I LOVED IT. :) LOL. I think it's like the best cake spasm, yo! :D Okok, he loves mango too. Hmmmm. Guess... My family is back on track again. Just pray that history wouldn't repeat itself again. I'm happy when papa, mama and my 2 korkors are happy :)) Oh yeah, it's also strawberry nanny's birthday too! Happy 19th birthday MAYBELLE :) Hope you get to read this. HAHA. May all your wishes come true, and have many, MANY good returns in time to come too :) Lucks for your future endeavour and everything girl!

3th May, which was officially yesterday. Spent my time with my 2 favourite girls... LIMPING AT ORCHARD :( My ankle still hurts pretty bad. Hope I'll be fine by later 'cause there's work! Yeah, we're on super tight budget, and working towards our goals. PRADA WALLET. I'm COMING :DD Give me uhhhh, 2-3 weeks more. YOU ARE SO GNA BE MINE :) Chatted and lingered around.. Yup and the money talks are seriously driving me up the wall. Even in my dreams, I'm dreaming about MONEY. Damn it. It's like an evil root in the midst of my head! :( DAMN. Tried too hard to pluck it off, but to no avail. Who can live without money ah, TELL ME. LOL. I go live with you. Hmmmm. This time, I really have aims in my life. And I'm going to strive so damn hard for my future! That is, if I even make it to the age of 30! I seriously think I'm going to die young. BOO. Short life. Anyway, I don't wish to live that long either. :p So yupppp. I'm going back to do my tutorials and talk to my pen and paper :) You guys out there, all take care! The weather's freaking unpredictable. Boost up all y'all immunities, douse yourself in vitamins and drink tonnes of h2o yo. :D Many loves from your retarded ball.

Work work work, I'm coming! Oh no, just got a sudden surge to go Dragonfly or Mono now. ZZZ. where the fucking hell is my BOOZE, damn it.


Always wanted to be..

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